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Tree Improvement Update for Eastern White Pine

The Forest Service currently manages two first generation genetically improved seed orchards for the production of commercial quantities of seed. One orchard is managed in cooperation with the South Carolina Forestry Commission. In 2005-06 this orchard was thinned to allow interbreeding between the best of the tested clones.

A new orchard consisting of these very best clones was established in Burke County, NC, in 2007. This new seed orchard is expected to start producing commercial quantities of seed in 8 to 12 years (2016-2020). Until that time, the North Carolina Forest Service will continue to collect improved Eastern White pine seed from the seed orchard that we manage with the South Carolina Forestry Commission at their Piedmont Training Center Site.

Seed from these orchards is sown at Linville River Nursery in Crossnore where seedlings are grown for deployment as two-year seedlings. When possible, collection of Eastern White pine seed orchard seed will continue to be by individual clone. This will allow the NCFS to capture the largest genetic gains possible from our seed orchards for deployment throughout the state.

Seed Collection

2007 was a poor year for collection of Eastern White pine seed. Seed orchards had no cones available for collection. Seed production from wild trees was also poor. 2008 was a much better seed year for Eastern White pine and seed was collected from our genetically improved seed orchards.


As clones in our seed orchards and clone banks sexually mature, pollen will be collected and stored for later breeding. Female flower counts will indicate which clones may be ready for full-sib breeding.

Progeny Testing

Until sufficient numbers of full-sib crosses are made and seed is available, open pollinated progeny testing will continue. Genetic testing of these open pollinated families will be done for timber traits as well as for Christmas tree production.

This page updated: Tuesday, November 15, 2016 14:41

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