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Prescribed Fire
Support Good Fires and Prevent Bad Ones
Fire is a natural part of the environment and frequently occurs throughout North Carolina. Many of our forests require fire to remain healthy and thrive. Prescribed fire is the planned use of fire under predetermined weather and fuel parameters to obtain specific management objectives. This is a critical management tool that benefits forests and wildlife, and helps reduce the impact of wildfire hazards in North Carolina.
- Support Good Fires and Prevent Bad Ones
- Benefits of Prescribed Burning
- Introduction to Prescribed Fire in Southern Ecosystems (USDA Forest Service)
- Publication finds that prescribed burns reduces tick populations
- Success Stories (Wildland Fire in the Southeast)
Benefits & Uses
- Contact Your NCFS County Ranger
- NCFS Prescribed Burning Rates (PDF)
- N.C. Prescribed Burning Cost Share Program
- Locate a Private Forestry Service Provider
- How to Become a Certified Burner
- Prescribed Burn Associations (Southeast Prescribed Fire Update)
Prescribed Fire on Your Land
- Fire Weather Reports
- Intelligence Portal
- North Carolina Smoke Management Program
- Nighttime Smoke Dispersion
- Smoke Management Plan Tech Notes
- VSMOKE Web training video
- Low Visibility Occurrence Risk Index
- Smoke Modeling Information Form
Weather & Smoke Management
- Online Burning Permits
- N.C. General Statute Chapter 106, Article 78: Regulation of Open Fires
- Air Quality Regulations Related to Open Burning
- NC Prescribed Burning Act
- Using Fire to Control Loblolly Pine in a Young Longleaf Stand (TRB-012)