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Key Initiatives

Initiatives were crafted to answer the question: what changes need to be made so that the NCFS can more effectively accomplish our mission? Initiatives are intended to introduce new processes or make significant organizational changes that will improve performance and enhance our ability to meet our 2016 performance targets and better achieve our mission. They are inspired by a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) of internal and external forces impacting our ability to accomplish our mission. This analysis was conducted by the NCFS statewide strategic planning committee. Initiatives were then developed and prioritized by the NCFS Management Team into a manageable number.

The nine NCFS strategic initiatives are featured in the NC Forest Service functional area of the NCDA&CS strategic plan. One NCFS initiative "Maintain and Restore Forests in Decline" was selected to be featured among eight other departmental initiatives which highlight key citizen-focused initiatives within the Department. Nine of these key initiatives, described below have been incorporated into the NCFS Strategic Plan as action items under the goal and objective where they most logically fit. Within the plan these initiatives are designated with the words "Key Initiative".

Name Description and intended impact Responsibility Begin Complete
Develop Geospatial Reporting Tools Develop a geospatially referenced, internet-based reporting system, with appropriate metrics, for all program accomplishments. This system will help monitor success in effecting positive and beneficial forest management practices in areas with the greatest need. Safety, Planning & Analysis

Craig Clarke
10/01/2011 01/01/2016
Develop Prescribed Fire Tools Develop an internet-based Prescribed Fire Plan generator and a Smoke Management database. These tools will allow for more opportunities to utilize prescribed fire on forested acres in North Carolina. Safety, Planning & Analysis

Tim Howell
10/01/2010 10/01/2016
Finalize Burning Permit Legislation Finalize and work toward adoption of burning permit legislation to address changes in North Carolina's population and impacts from smoke and fire. These changes will assist NCFS in wildfire prevention. Forest Protection

Greg Hicks
07/01/2012 07/01/2014
Maintain and Restore Forests in Decline Continue with the longleaf pine initiative and develop and implement a plan to address sustainability of other tree species, forest types, and forest ecosystems in decline-, targeting Atlantic white cedar, shortleaf pine, baldcypress, and bottomland hardwoods. It is vital that we pass on to future generations the ecological, economic and social values these forests provide. Forest Management / Forest Development

Barry New
07/01/2012 07/01/2014
Reduce Workplace Injuries Reduce three of the most prevalent types of workplace injuries by 15% by 2016. This emphasis will reduce worker injuries, lost work days, and worker compensation costs. Safety, Planning & Analysis

Tania Brown
07/01/2012 06/30/2016
Complete Strategic Planning Complete the NCDA&CS and NCFS Strategic Plans. Link these with the NC Forest Action Plan and integrate into NCFS programs and services. Implement the Goals, Actions and Initiatives through expectations in each employee's work plan. These plans will better focus activities to meet the NCDA&CS and NCFS mission. State Forester's Office

David Lane
11/17/2010 04/01/2014
Streamline Administration of External Sources of Funding Develop a system and actions to allow for more efficient and effective administration and management of externally funded grants and awards. This will position the NCFS to remain competitive in securing external funding and to use these resources wisely. Administration

David Lane
01/01/2012 06/30/2013
Complete NCFS Salary Equity Study Complete a comprehensive equity study of all NCFS positions to identify pay inequities and develop a plan to address them. This will allow the NCFS to get in line with other NCDA&CS divisions in following NC OSP Compensation guidelines. Administration

Joe Gilroy
07/01/2012 06/30/2013
Increase Acres Treated with Prescribed Fire Work with the NC Prescribed Fire Council to develop and implement strategies and actions to increase the annual non-industrial private forest landowner acreage treated with prescribed fire by 25% over a 4 year period. This effort will reduce wildfire threat, improve wildlife habitat, and increase many other benefits realized from the use of prescribed fire. State Forester's Office

David Lane
07/01/2012 06/30/2016